Nos formations en communication scientifique
Communication et médiation scientifique : un défi à relever pour mieux communiquer ses recherches...
Nos cours
Social Media for Scientists (EN)
CoursThis course covers all the considerations necessary to establish an effective strategy on social media. You will also discover tips for writing and useful tools! Choose from 3 rates: with or without coaching.
Graphic design for scientists: it's possible! (EN)
CoursThis course will cover both the content and the form of a scientific support (basic principles of graphic design, presenting the story of your results in an engaging way, the art of storytelling). Choose from 3 rates: with or without coaching.
Creating a scientific webinar: a practical guide (EN)
CoursLearn how to present and transmit knowledge through webinars, covering topics such as format, duration, presentation and video editing, for a successful webinar! Choose from 3 rates: with or without coaching.